/ copyright 1992-2018
 by BiBer GmbH vers 18.10
 All rights reserved


 WWW-OPAC homepage
Welcome to the BIBDIA Online-Public-Access-Catalogue.
To our online catalogue (briefly "OPAC" called) you can retrieve information round-the-clock in the whole library online catalogue. In addition the following searching possibilities / topical lists are available:
Searching forms:
  • Simple search — for most searching inquiries recommended.
  • Selective search — is possible for a specific search for author, title, year, ….
  • Extended search — search inquiry with the help of the CCL language (Common Command Language).
  • Index A-Z — helpfully if you are not sure with the manner of writing.
Topical lists
  • Top 20 — What are our lending racers? Here you can find out it.
  • Intakelist — You find the newest titles which we have acquired for you in this list.
As a result you get back in each case a list of short titles from which you can select any number of titles to request for the full titles information.

Media basket
  • Notice to yourselves interesting titles into which they bump during your search with a mouse click. Here you can reserve also borrowed titles all at once.
My account
  • can be use with a valid library identity card. You can indicate your media check up and extend, your reservations and fees, your mail address and mobile phone number change. So that you are always up-to-date, you can choose notifications also by mail or SMS.
● further information about the service you find. here.